Tuesday, September 20, 2016

It's all over: Syria just sent a fat F*CK YOU to America

The Syrian ceasefire isn't dead yet! So says the US and Russia - more accurately, so Washington is literally begging Moscow to agree with it that it hasn't just been punched in the face by the Syrian government with a big fat F*CK YOU written all over it...

The Syrian regime is now openly attacking US regional interests: having convinced its people that the US-led airstrike which killed nearly 100 of their brave soldiers over the weekend was a deliberate provocation - if not by the Obama administration, then at least by the CIA and/or Pentagon as part of covert Washington's long-running clandestine war for "regime change" - the Assad government is ruthlessly making it known that it wants to stick it to the hated Zionist entity before the entire international community.

What better way to do it than to destroy a UN aid convoy just as the UN General Assembly is convening its annual conclave in New York, with Syria and the refugee crisis the main topics?

Notwithstanding the standard denials from Damascus, it's absolutely obvious that the attack on the column of UN humanitarian assistance trucks near the besieged cauldron of Aleppo - and apparently a stationary support installation as well - was carefully premeditated to have the maximum destructive effect on the already defunct US-Russia ceasefire of September 12. This merciless multiple-wave bombardment of noncombatants, to pointedly include those who came to the rescue of those mauled by the first strike, has been a hallmark of the Syrian air force's most enraged outbursts for the past five years; it leaves no trace of doubt that this was a personal message Mr. Assad was sending to Obama and Kerry.

"WE'VE HAD IT with your refusal to renounce your FUTILE policy of regime change...we're now entitled to more of our own "accidents" against your imperialist interests and proxies on our own sovereign soil...F*CK YOU...YOU ZIONIST PIGS...COME AND GET US NOW! WE ARE READY TO MURDER YOU AND ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS!"

So how will Obama respond? More accurately, how will he try to shove his own head in the sand now as the Syrian fire reignites and burns out of control?

If at any time hope alone has been a foreign policy, that describes the American situation in Syria right now.

It's all over, folks...September 20, 2016 will be remembered as the day the US cop got its rear end kicked out of the hood that is the contemporary Middle East.

It's all downhill from here - in Syria, with Iran, in the China Seas, and last but not least in Ukraine and central and eastern Europe...

The Beltway defense-intelligence complex must have its revenge - somehow, somewhere - and very soon.

Because with Trump rising in the polls, the next regime change will be here in Washington.

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