Thursday, December 29, 2022

2022: the year Fatima converged on Ukraine

As 2022 draws to a close, the world's destiny has converged upon Ukraine. The Age of Fatima, it would appear, is being ushered in by the war there - which will determine the global order for the remainder of the century, and set the tone for the third millennium AD.

Of course, the events of 2022 were a long time coming: and yet, the speed and totality with which Ukraine overtook a world already struggling with a two-year pandemic and systemic economic disruption has been breathtaking.

What can really explain these events? Only a long view of human history in its entirety would suffice.

Modern civilization appears to be broadly but neatly subdivided between East and West. The dynamic interplay between the two is alone able to account for big geopolitical cataclysms on a global scale - such as the Russo-Ukrainian conflict raging since last February.

Broadly speaking, the Western world is that of the Euro-Atlantic; the Eastern world is that of Eurasia. The crossroads between these two realms is Eastern Europe - more specifically, the western periphery of the former Soviet Union.

Russia is the defining Eurasian nation-state: it spans eleven time zones and, by virtue of its Orthodox Christian faith, extends the historic European creed of Christendom all the way from the Baltic to the Bering Sea - multiple time zones further east than the great Oriental civilizations of China and Japan.

Why was Russia so central to Our Lady of Fatima's prophecy of 1917? Precisely because its geography places the Apostolic Church - via its Eastern Orthodox branch - atop all the other great cultures of the Orient, namely those of the Islamic, Indic, and Confucian strains. It goes without saying, therefore, that Russia represents nothing less than the earthly gateway to the Kingdom of Heaven - for it is unto the East that all ancient monotheistic peoples looked for their spiritual and even temporal salvation.

This is what the Western world - Western Europe and America - cannot fathom except via a sublime enlightenment of which Winston Churchill spoke when dubbing Russia "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." It is impossible to finally comprehend the West's own destiny as the providential bearer of Catholic and Protestant Christianity to the world without casting eyes upon its Orthodox kin of Holy Mother Russia.

The Universal Church can be likened to the Holy Family: with Eastern Orthodoxy assuming the place of St. Joseph, Roman Catholicism that of the Virgin Mary, and the disjointed Protestant sects that of the Baby Christ Child. As such, it is the final destiny of Protestant English-speaking North America and Northern Europe - whose identity with the Christ Child has propelled their Anglophone empire to the apex of the modern global power structure - to be offered up as a sacrificial holocaust to Father Joseph by the hand of an obedient wife, the Blessed Lady.

In other words: the Anglo-American Protestant order of Northern European extraction will be subjected to a resurgent Imperial Russia - also of principally Northern and Central European extraction, only situated to the East and indeed partly commingled with Oriental lineage - via the mediation of the Holy Roman Church, whose lively Latin tongues predominate to the south of their politically ascendant Germanic cousins.

What of China? She is called the "Middle Kingdom" for good reason: she is ordained as mediator between the earth's temporal kingdoms - even those of Christendom - and the realm of the "first heaven", a terrestrial domain with celestial pretenses under the authority of the principalities and powers of fallen demonic character, as revealed by the Christian Scriptures. It is no wonder that China's symbol is a great red dragon - for this ruthless and cunning beast was fashioned as an enforcer of man's gateway into the proto-Heaven that is the "spiritualized" but non-redeemed material earth. To be properly purged and made worthy of the higher heavens, all Christians must pass the terrible test of the Dragon's infernal nostrils - and prevail only by rising phoenix-like from the flames. This is the eternal cosmic dimension of China's stranglehold on the global economy and its brutal Communist governance that seeks to devour the entire world through it.

Hence it follows that the West must surrender to Russia - no matter how painful. Only through intense privation and pain can there be true and ultimate freedom: individual desire and autonomy ultimately count for nothing unless they themselves are immolated on the altar of complete self-abnegation and self-denial - they will otherwise be consumed by the Chinese fire serpent whatever the superficial profession of Judeo-Christian faith.

By contrast, through St. Joseph, Russia offers the West - that is, the Christ Child, through the Virgin Mary's intercessory offering of her Divine Son's sacrifice at Calvary - the only avenue to satisfy the Dragon's wrath without being swallowed by the hellfire thereof. This will indeed so deeply impress the Dragon himself that he will all but pay homage to the Holy Family - and thereby the Holy Trinity Itself.

Christ must surrender to Mary, who in turn will offer him to St. Joseph, who in turn will exercise an authority over his family that, in producing perfect loving obedience from wife and son, will decisively crush the very root and deepest nature of the cosmic revolt against the Author of all authority, which is to say the rebellion of Lucifer in eternity past.

Bloody? Absolutely. But how else will the Scripture be fulfilled? In order for the West to be saved - in order for the One True Catholic and Apostolic Church to fulfill her sacred mission of witnessing God as all self-sacrificial Love - Ukraine must be offered as a holocaust to Russia. It won't do so of its own accord - as even Christ asked the cup to be taken from him at Gethsemane - but Providence will dictate that this be so. Such will be the work of the Sword of Fatima.

Recall Fatima herself: she was the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, that final messenger of the exclusivity of a single Deity - even without reference to its Triune nature. 2022 will thus go down as the year - exactly 14 centuries after the birth of Islam (622 AD) - in which submission to God was enforced upon the kingdoms of the earth.

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