Friday, October 13, 2017

October 13, 2017: Fatima has truly stolen the show today

On this centennial of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, the true land of Fatima - Persia - has stolen the show from Russia (which was the original focal point of the Marian revelations 100 years ago in Portugal). Trump's decision to decertify the Iran nuclear deal today will have far-reaching repercussions: he has telegraphed that Iran is guilty until proven innocent and that the US and Israel will not accept the undue increase in its regional influence in the last few years, but that the Ayatollahs must effectively pull back from Syria and Iraq if they still want sanctions relief from the West. Iran will likely respond with just the opposite: stepping up their regional ambitions with what's almost certain to be the moral and diplomatic backing of Russia. Unfortunately, given the nadir of US-Russia relations as well, Putin is likely to use the Iranians as leverage for what he hopes to be a new attempt to reset with the Trump administration...but this is a more farfetched prospect than he probably realizes - in fact Trump's bravado today could already be a big defeat for him, because recent indications are that Russia's been making overtures to the Saudis, Israelis, and Europeans for the express purpose of improving its chances for reversing the slide in relations with the US. So just when Russia was about to do a victory lap over its apparent success in engineering a new balance of power in the Mideast, the Kremlin's going back to square one: Putin could well be compelled now to fully realign with Iran even if that hurts his advances with the Saudis and Israelis; and his probable failure to leverage Tehran's nuclear program for better relations with the US will also dent his hopes of rapprochement with the EU, which has effectively followed Moscow's cues in opening up to Iran themselves. So Fatima's back with a vengeance on this centennial of the great sign in the village that bears her name in Portugal...and her star has clearly shifted on this very day from Russia to Iran...just as one could have expected. Putin is now very much at the mercy of the guardians of Shiite Islam, the Ayatollahs...he made a good last-ditch effort to make nice with the US and the Western alliance, but it looks like all it did was embolden imperial Washington to push back even more flagrantly. He now has little leverage to restrain what the Iranians might do regionally in reprisal against Trump's virtual declaration of war. In fact, Trump himself may have calculated that nuking the Iran deal kills two birds with one stone for him and as such is a silver bullet: it burnishes his credentials further with his Bannonite-nationalist base while simultaneously setting up a confrontation with Russia that can only help relieve the pressure on his administration from the Establishment on account of Russiagate, which despite a respite from the headlines is quietly building to a boiling point with looming indictments. The Donald is gambling that Putin wants a restoration of ties with the US badly enough - or at least a prevention of even further deterioration - that Vlad will cut the Ayatollahs out to dry...alas, both of them may now find out the hard way that the Persian empire will simply not take orders from Israel, whether its western (US) or eastern (Russia) subsidiaries... The inflection point could be here...October 13, 2017 - the centennial of the great Miracle of the Sun at Fatima - could be the date on which Fatima herself truly seizes the narrative from her Judeo-Christian proxy, Mary.

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