Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Great news for Russia: White nationalism has arrived in modern America

Donald Trump's stunning coronation as the Republican presidential nominee is an unmistakable signal that white European nationalism has arrived in modern America.

This earth-shattering development - irrespective of whether Trump goes on to win the general election - has already reshuffled the deck of global geopolitics. For anyone who's followed the GOP, the writing is on the wall: we are no longer the party of spreading the universal mush of "democracy" and "freedom" at gunpoint (or dollarpoint), and it's utterly foolish to think those days can ever come back.

That's great news for Russia. The Putinist brand of populist, ethno-religious, reactionary strongman rule apparently has enough of an appeal in middle America to fundamentally alter the dynamic of East-West relations, even if this takes time.

In Syria, we already see a tiny glimmer of how relatively easy the world's problems suddenly become when the two great poles of European Christian civilization work together instead of plotting to destroy each other - and this has happened in spite of the constant Jewish neoconservative machinations to further use America as a tool for Israeli Zionist and international Jewish financial expansion, with Mr. Obama little more than their conveniently "diverse", "multicultural" minion (to be brutally honest).

Anti-Semitic? Hardly. Anti-Jewish supremacist? Absolutely. With Israel itself pretty much secure and unified - the two-state solution with the Palestinians has been a pipe dream for years now - sensible Jews the world over have nothing to complain about. An America free of blatant Zionist interference is better both for America itself and Israel; just as Putin's Russia, secure from undue Jewish oligarchic influence, actually relishes Jewish services and favors.

That leaves internationalist Jews with China, not least those who still have any affinity for Marx - and, one has to suspect nowadays, soon to be joined by Milton Friedman.

But China's not a white European civilization - it does not and will never have the white European mentality and temperament. In the long term, as the special relationship between the Jews and the Chinese evolves and matures, it will also prove a boon to the entire human family: the Oriental psyche and physique alike are too repelled by the macho fests of conquest warfare adventurism which are the special province of the Caucasian breed.

And yes, I know Japan offers an interesting counterpoint, but that's precisely why they're relegated to long-term also-ran status: their ultimate destiny lies far closer to China than to Europe, and they're already at such a point where this primeval reality will become impossible to deny or escape.

Sorry, George Soros. Your days as moneychanger-kingmaker are over. But hey, it was a nice gravy-train while it lasted - and there's a much better gravy-train coming down the pike for your kind anyway (along with everyone else). Maybe it's time to actually practice your Judaism for a change - even The Donald's grandkids looks like they will.

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